Why Obeying Yield Signs is Essential

Drivers should reduce speed when approaching a yield sign. Then, they should check for pedestrians or vehicles approaching from another direction.

New York and New Jersey have a variety of regulations in place that govern what should happen next:

  1. If another car has already entered the intersection, it has the right-of-way. The driver of the approaching vehicle must yield the right-of-way. He or she should also yield if the approaching vehicle is so near that crossing its path or moving within the intersection would pose a crash risk.
  1. If two automobiles reach an intersection at the same time, the driver of the vehicle on the left must yield the right-of-way to the one on the right.
  1. If a driver intends to turn left within an intersection, he or she should signal intent, yielding to vehicles approaching from the opposite direction that are close enough to pose a crash hazard.
  1. When entering a road from a driveway, alley, or other similar places, they must yield to roadway traffic and pedestrians.
  1. Drivers must yield to pedestrians, stopping if necessary, in marked or unmarked crosswalks.
  1. If cars are backed up into the intersection, you should wait until the jam clears to enter, rather than blocking traffic.
  1. Drivers entering traffic circles or rotaries must yield the right-of-way to drivers already in the roundabout.
  1. All drivers must yield to emergency vehicles displaying flashing lights or sounding sirens. You also should follow the direction of officials directing traffic.

Drivers who disobey traffic laws tend to cause car accidents. At our law firm, we have decades of experience investigating accidents to determine whether someone’s failure to yield led to a collision.  Click the chat icon below to schedule a free consultation about your accident. The sooner you learn who is at fault, the sooner you can start pursuing justice.

Catastrophic Results of Failing to Yield

Yielding properly helps keep traffic running smoothly. So why do many intersection collisions occur when one driver turns in a roadway or parking lot? The reason is likely that someone failed to yield.

In the following list, do you recognize some of the issues you have experienced due to a failure-to-yield accident? If so, you could be eligible for significant compensation. Find out more anytime by calling (866) 909-6884.

Property damage

Collisions often cause damage to:

  • Vehicles
  • Businesses
  • Houses
  • Fences
  • Lampposts
  • Mailboxes

According to the National Safety Council (NSC), crashes resulting in property damage only cost an average of $4,700.

What can you do if your car needs expensive repairs, including body shop labor, replacement parts, and a rental to use as transportation while you wait? What should you do if an accident totals your car? Consulting with Judd Shaw Injury Law can give you immediate answers to these pressing questions.

Medical bills

The medical care you need after an accident can cost you thousands of dollars, especially if you end up with a long-term disability. Qualifying expenses might include:

  • Services of health care professionals at facilities like hospitals, clinics, and therapy centers
  • Test and laboratory fees
  • Prescription medicines
  • Travel for consultations and treatment
  • Medical assistive devices (e.g. wheelchairs, artificial limbs, oxygen equipment)
  • Nursing services
  • Surgeries
  • Household help

Personal injury lawyers can help you benefit from your insurance policy and civil actions to maximize your compensation.

Lost wages

Certain injuries can force you to take time off work. Temporary or permanent absences can take a toll on your financial health. Some insurance policies reimburse a large portion of these wages based on your previous earning record.

In some instances, accident victims are unable to return to work, or they cannot perform the same duties. Attorneys can pursue damages for the loss of earning potential calculated according to your age, health, or terms of employment. Our legal team can determine your eligibility for compensation for the loss of your earning potential during your free case review.

PIP insurance and Demanding Justice for Your Losses

Each car registered in New Jersey or New York must carry automobile insurance to cover accidents. Some coverage is mandatory, whereas other policies or supplements are optional.

PIP stands for personal injury protection, but you might also hear these types of policies referred to as “no-fault” insurance. PIP is a mandatory insurance program that reimburses specific damages for the policyholder, regardless of who caused the accident.

In New York, the minimum coverage amount is:

  • $25,000 to $50,000 for bodily injury to drivers, passengers, or pedestrians
  • $50,000 to $100,000 for death
  • $10,000 for property damage

In New Jersey, the Automobile Insurance Cost Reduction Act mandated that, at minimum, drivers must carry the Basic Policy of:

  • Bodily injury coverage is not included, but policyholders can buy a $10,000 coverage option for accidents they cause
  • $15,000 per person, per accident of personal injury protection, up to $250,000 for qualifying injuries, such as traumatic brain injuries, paralysis, and disfigurement
  • $5,000 per accident for property damages

Of course, many drivers opt for more comprehensive coverage. If you or the at-fault driver carried one of the following policy types, you could receive additional compensation. These extra funds come in handy when accident expenses exceed policy limits:

  1. Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage: This provision covers property damage and bodily injury if the person causing the accident does not have insurance or has insufficient coverage for the damages
  2. Collision: This allowance pays for car repairs or the replacement value of your vehicle
  3. Comprehensive: This insurance pays if you collide with an animal and for non-collision damage to your vehicle (e.g. theft, vandalism, flooding, fire)

You are not alone if you are unsure what your policy covers. We take pleasure in helping our clients get the maximum benefit from their insurance coverage. Dial (866) 909-6864 for free information about your rights.

How the Judd Shaw Way Can Help You Today

After an accident, many victims face countless roadblocks to fair compensation. Insurers might find reasons to deny your claim, hoping you accept a “no” without investigating your legal rights. When they agree to pay, your check might be much less than you deserve.

On the other hand, our lawyers are guided by a set of core values that place our customers first. We call it The Judd Shaw Way. We aim to make you feel welcome, get the answers you need, and equip you to make sound legal decisions.

Our No Fee Guarantee® allows you to get legal help regardless of your financial situation. While you focus on your health, we can evaluate your claim, gather the necessary evidence, and deal with insurers and all the tedious paperwork they require. All you have to do is get in touch. We will even come to you if you cannot make it to one of our offices. The most important thing for us is to hear your story so we will understand how to assist you and your family.

Contact Us Without Delay to Maximize Compensation

Every state, including New York and New Jersey, also limits the time you have to take action after a failure-to-yield collision. Our law firm understands the struggles faced by accident victims. We know that life can be stressful after a traumatic event, especially if you are in physical or emotional pain.

Yet, these deadlines, called statutes of limitations, are not forgiving. If you let time run out, you could forfeit your right to collect compensation forever.

Here’s another reason to act fast. Though most insurers are not in a hurry to pay you, that doesn’t mean they won’t put pressure on you to file your claim.

You need to contact insurers and submit documentation of the accident, your injuries, and your lost wages a short time after the accident occurred. If you are late or make a mistake, you give them a reason to deny your request for the reimbursement of your losses. Is this a chance you are willing to make?

At Judd Shaw Injury Lawyers, we can help you weigh your options for free. Stop by one of our conveniently located offices in New Jersey or New York, call (866) 909-6894, or fill out our contact form to get the information you need. 

The failure-to-yield accident that hurt you doesn’t have to devastate your well-being. Let’s work on making things better together.